KCB Board Meeting – September, 2018

President Debbie Deatherage called the monthly conference call meeting of the KCB Board of Directors to order at 7:36 PM (Eastern) on Monday, September 17, 2018. Answering the roll call were Debbie Deatherage, Joey Couch, Gerry Slusher, Rick Boggess, Carla Ruschival, Amanda Selm, Josh Gentry, Deb Lewis, Matt Selm, Bill Roberts, David Smith, Winter Renfrow and Adam Ruschival. Bill Wright, Frank Campbell and Sheryl Lott checked in late. Jonathon McCarty was absent. Guests Cisco Slusher and Elaine Weisbard were also present.

President Debbie Deatherage called for reading the August 20 board meeting minutes and summary which were distributed in advance. Deb Lewis made a motion, seconded by Winter Renfrow, to dispense with their reading and approval. The motion was approved.

Treasurer’s Report

Carla Ruschival reported August 31 balances which do not include the KCB stipend payment for ACB convention hotel rooms. Amanda Selm made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report. The motion was seconded by David Smith and approved.

KCB Convention Committee

Amanda Selm requested approval of KCB Convention Planning Committee recommendations. The proposed convention title is KCB: The Final Frontier. Winter Renfrow made a motion to approve the title. The motion was seconded by Frank Campbell and approved.

She presented the recommendation for preregistration/registration (with meals) and individual meal pricing. One and two-day preregistration, $30 and $50; onsite registration, $35 and $60; meals–preregistration, Friday lunch and Saturday brunch, $10 each; Friday night and Saturday night, $15 each; On site, Friday lunch and Saturday brunch, $12 each; Friday night and Saturday night, $18 each. Rick Boggess made a motion to approve. The motion was seconded by Carla Ruschival and approved.

Amanda shared the pricing recommendation for exhibitors—-small space, $15; large space, $25. Winter Renfrow made a motion to accept the recommendation. The motion was seconded by Rick Boggess and approved.

Carla Ruschival is working with Larry Turnbull to set up a shopping cart for online KCB convention registration and other possibilities.

Adam Ruschival asked if there is interest in providing convention goodie bags like those given out last year. Little interest was shown.

Guest Elaine Weisbard inquired about selling home baked goods during convention. Only prepackaged goods are allowed.

Old Business

Carla Ruschival reported the ACVREP application has been submitted with final approval anticipated by September 20. The $300 application fee has been paid but the event fee has not. Larry will incorporate features needed to allow us to offer these credits in the shopping cart.

President Deatherage requested input about 2019 ACB Convention stipends. Carla Ruschival made a motion to offer up to seven night’s lodging to KCB members (in good standing on May 15, 2019) at either of the convention hotels based on double occupancy and following attendance requirements used in St. Louis. The motion was seconded by Amanda Selm and unanimously approved. Those receiving awards such as First Timers or Leadership Fellow stipends will not be eligible. Anyone in Rochester on July 12 must attend the business meeting and sit with the KY delegation to qualify. those at the convention until Wednesday or earlier in the week must attend either the Sunday morning or Tuesday morning general session.

New Business

Carla Ruschival made a motion that KCB provide a $75 stipend to members (in good standing on September 1) residing outside the Louisville area who register to attend both days of the November state convention. The motion was seconded by Amanda Selm and approved.

Carla Ruschival reported we have spent $169.33 for three jewelry items for the ACB Radio Holiday Auction which was approved by an earlier online vote. Carla made a motion to spend up to $250 (including money already spent) in the event a fourth item is needed. The motion was seconded by Bill Wright and approved. Donated auction items must be received by November 1. Auction contributors will be recognized in several ways.

Winter Renfrow made a motion that 50% of proceeds from the sale of 2018 KCB convention auction items donated by chapters or by individuals specifying a chapter be returned to that chapter. The motion was seconded by Bill Wright and approved.

Adam Ruschival announced he will chair the Awards committee which also includes Paula Wiese and Rick Boggess. Awards to be considered include the William A. Routh (KCB activity), James Carl Dotson (community service, especially in the area of blindness) and Rose and Lewis Cain (advocacy) awards. Members are encouraged to contact committee members for information about the awards or to share names of potential nominees before its early October meeting.

Chapter and Committee Reports

Eastern Kentucky Christian Council: Frank Campbell indicated that, instead of having a picnic, several members met at Ponderosa on September 8. They will begin planning for the Christmas party soon.

Northern Kentucky Council: Gerry Slusher reported the September 12 meeting has been rescheduled for September 19. They will plan for the annual October White Cane Day activity and Christmas party.

Greater Louisville Council: David Smith reported that Adam Ruschival has begun sharing KCB history at Roundabout each week. Other recent topics have included labeling techniques and the Be My Eyes and Be Specular apps. The chapter’s quarterly meeting will be on September 21 as part of Roundabout.

Tri-State Library Users Group: Adam Ruschival reported the chapter held its makeup business meeting and Page Turners at the August 24 Roundabout where they elected Carla Ruschival to the board until November to finish Deb Trevino’s term. They voted to spend $100 to help cover the cost for Kim Charlson to come to the KCB convention. The chapter will have a business meeting and Page Turners at the September 28 Roundabout. Participants are encouraged to share their favorite history books at the Library Without Walls national conference call on September 19. The chapter recently received approval as a 501(c)3.

Guide Dog Users of Kentuckiana: Josh Gentry reported chapter members will be selling candy in September and October. The next Conference call meeting will take place on September 24th.

Support Alliance of the Visually Impaired: Bill Roberts reported 14 members and 5 guests enjoyed good food and played Trivial Pursuit at the September 14 picnic at Legion Park. Members talked about upcoming iPhone workshops on September 14 and 28 and signed up to man the SAVI booth at Senior Day Out on September 20 and the October 20 Special Needs Expo.

KCB Next Generation: Matt Selm reported 15 people dined out at Cheddars on August 25. Approximately 40 people participated in the September 10 national call. The chapter has begun selling 4 port chargers for 22 dollars. The next national call will be on October 8 at 8:30 (eastern). The next local call will be on October 14 at 8 PM (eastern). Members will attend Roundabout on September 28.

KCCLV: Amanda Selm reported the chapter will be a $50 sponsor at the KCB state convention. Monthly conference call meetings will move to the Zoom platform in January. The next conference call meeting will take place on October 2 at 8 PM (eastern.) Carla reported that new people continue to attend the in-person meetings on the second and fourth Thursday of the month. A representative from APH will demonstrate products at the September 27 meeting.

PR/Membership: Rick Boggess reported the committee met on September 12. The newsletter should go out soon. Web page and calendar updates continue. The Twitter page handle is @kycouncilblind. Efforts to update college contact information will begin this month. Carla has spoken with Larry Turnbull about creating a shopping cart and hiring someone else to enhance our page. Larry will install a shopping cart if we provide fields and types of controls desired. This will allow online registration, payment and more. Enhancements such as installing the KCB logo may occur immediately, but we will delay major changes until after shopping cart installation to insure stability. The next meeting will be on October 10. In an update, Carla reported she will send Larry Turnbull the template fields for the KCB registration form tomorrow. For security purposes, we will need to purchase an SSL certificate. The newsletter has been sent out.

Carla Ruschival made a motion to pay Robert Spangler $75 a month to provide visual enhancements and set up subdomains on the web page. The motion was seconded by Rick Boggess and approved.

OFB Steering Committee: Carla Ruschival reported KCB will have one seat on the new SRC council which will be formed with the OFB Voc. rehab. merger in October. She has applied for the KCB seat. The name of the new director is supposed to be announced this week. Steve Deeley retired from the McDowell Center. Mary Harrod will handle his duties until the position is posted and filled.

Adam Ruschival made a motion to accept chapter and committee reports. The motion was seconded by Rick Boggess and approved.

Announcements and Adjournment

President Deatherage reported Rick Boggess will be unable to attend the October 15 meeting. Amanda or Matt Selm will record the meeting.

Rick Boggess made a motion to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Winter Renfrow and approved. The meeting adjourned at 8:57 PM.

Submitted by Rick Boggess, KCB Secretary

Download Summary :  KCBBoardMeetingSeptember2018

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