KCB Board Meeting – October, 2018

President Debbie Deatherage called the monthly meeting of the KCB Board of Directors to order via conference call at 7:35 PM (Eastern) on Monday, October 15, 2018. Answering the roll call were Debbie Deatherage, Joey Couch, Gerry Slusher, Carla Ruschival, Amanda Selm, Josh Gentry, Sheryl Lott, Jonathon McCarty, Deb Lewis, Matt Selm, Bill Roberts, David Smith, Winter Renfrow and Adam Ruschival. Bill Wright checked in late. Rick Boggess and Frank Campbell were absent. Guest Patti Cox was also present.

President Debbie Deatherage called for reading of the September 17, 2018 board meeting minutes and summary which were distributed in advance. Winter Renfrow made a motion, seconded by Gerry Slusher, to dispense with their reading and for approval. The motion was approved.

Treasurer’s Report

Carla Ruschival reported September 30, 2018 balances. The balance is down by about $10,000 mainly because of the $9354 payment for St. Louis convention hotel rooms. Joey Couch made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report.The motion was seconded by Winter Renfrow and approved.

Old Business

Amanda Selm provided an update on KCB convention planning. Online registration and the program are taking shape. There are lots of speakers related to blindness and low vision. Exhibitor information has been mailed. Patti Cox described the handmade backdrop which will cost $150 (including shipping). Amanda Selm made a motion to spend $150 for the royal blue backdrop which will match KCB’s colors. Winter Renfrow seconded the motion which was approved.

New Business

Patti Cox shared information about a fundraising opportunity at a crawfish festival in Louisville on November 25. After considerable discussion, the board determined there was insufficient information (including lack of a contract document) to allow participation at this time. They encouraged Patti to share information about future opportunities.

President Deatherage reported that KCB has been approved to offer continuing education credits through ACVREP. Information is being added to the convention registration form. Eventually we will be able to offer online credits as well.

Carla reported President Trump has signed the Marrakesh bill (which was passed unanimously in both houses) into law and it has been sent to the State Department for implementation.

Amanda Selm suggested the board consider hosting another Crossroads conference in 2019. After considerable discussion, Amanda Selm made a motion to host a spring Crossroads conference. The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.

President Deatherage announced she has appointed a nominating committee to come up with a slate of candidates for officer positions. Joey Couch is the only board member who cannot run again. The nominating committee is Shirley Stivers, Leonard Watkins, and Matt Selm. Those interested in running should let committee members know.

Adam Ruschival encouraged people to consider possible nominations for awards. The committee members are Adam Ruschival, Paula Weiss, and Rick Boggess. The committee will be meeting soon.

Chapter and Committee Reports

Eastern Kentucky Christian Council: There was no report available.

Northern Kentucky Council: Gerry Slusher reported about 50 people attended their October 15 White Cane Day celebration. Participants saw product demonstrations and crossed the street blindfolded.

Greater Louisville Council: David Smith reported the chapter had its quarterly meeting at UCHM on September 21. Recent Roundabout topics include guide dogs, recipes, and gardening.

Tri-State Library Users Group: Adam Ruschival reported the chapter had Page Turners and a bimonthly business meeting at the September 28 Roundabout. They also voted to spent $100 to bring Kim Charlson to the KCB convention. They are exploring ways to help with the Kentucky Talking Book Library’s 50th anniversary celebration on April 1, 2019. Barbara Penegor has been invited to the chapter’s KCB state convention business meeting to share ideas on how they can become involved. Some members participated in the Library Without Walls conference call in September. The next Library Without Walls call will be on the third Wednesday in November. There will be chapter elections at the state convention.

Guide Dog Users of Kentuckiana: Josh Gentry reported the chapter’s candy sale continues to go well. The next conference call meeting will be at 7 PM on October 22.

Support Alliance of the Visually Impaired: Bill Roberts reported 14 people attended the October 9 meeting. Two ladies from Gifted Hands brought pumpkins for everyone to hand paint. Members plan to sell Peel and Save and Texas Roadhouse cards. There was a workshop on iPhone accessibility on October 12 and there will be a speaker to talk about Hart-Supported Living Grants on October 26. The chapter will have a booth at the Special Needs Expo on October 20 at Owensboro Christian Church. The nominating committee recommended a slate of officers for the November election.

KCB Next Generation: Matt Selm reported Next Generation has cancelled the event planned for October 20. The chapter is selling four port chargers with the ACB logo in a variety of colors for $22. About 20 people participated in the last national call with the next one scheduled for 8:30 on November 12. They are currently seeking committee status in ACB with the hope of eventually becoming an affiliate.

KCCLV: Amanda Selm reported about 6 people participated in the KCCLV conference call. They will be selling two baskets, one University of Louisville and one University of Kentucky, at the convention. Carla reported in person meetings continue to go well. Dave Wilkinson demonstrated several APH products at the September 27 meeting. They practiced scooping, pouring and measuring at the October 11 meeting. At the October 25 meeting, they will concentrate on dialing the phone.

PR/Membership: The committee met on October 10. Carla indicated there were no updates related to email and the newsletter. Web page and calendar updates continue. Carla will soon move convention information back onto the main page and online registration should go live soon. Amanda has shared the KCB logo with Jonathon for the Twitter page. The poor WIFI signal at UCHM does not allow us to consider live streaming of the convention. Efforts to update college contact information have not yet begun. During a discussion about involving more people with managing the web page, it was pointed out there is a need to train more people to assist with proofing materials to be posted. The committee will examine our web page and develop a list of content priorities before the next meeting on November 7 at 8 PM Eastern.

Announcements and Adjournment

Adam Ruschival announced the OFB merger has taken place and Cora McNabb is the permanent director.

Debbie Deatherage shared her new email address which will be dmd40206@gmail.com.

Adam Ruschival made a motion to adjourn. The motion was approved, and the meeting adjourned at 9:03 PM.

Submitted by Rick Boggess, KCB Secretary

Download Summary: KCBBoardMeetingOctober2018

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