KCB Board Meeting – March, 2018

President Debbie Deatherage called the monthly meeting of the KCB Board of Directors to order via conference call at 7:36 PM (Eastern) on Monday, March 19, 2018. Answering the roll call were Debbie Deatherage, Joey Couch, Gerry Slusher, Rick Boggess, Carla Ruschival, Amanda Selm, Sheryl Lott, Jonathon McCarty, Frank Campbell, Matt Selm, Bill Roberts, David Smith and Adam Ruschival. Josh Gentry, Bill Wright, Deb Lewis, Dennis Runyan and Winter Renfrow were absent. Guest Elaine Weisbard was present.

President Debbie Deatherage called for reading the February 19 board meeting minutes and summary which were distributed in advance. Gerry Slusher made a motion, seconded by Carla Ruschival, to dispense with their reading and approval. The motion was approved.

Treasurer’s Report

Carla Ruschival reported February 28 balances which she indicated might be off by about $50 since she did not have one stock update.
She also reported a contribution from the Louisville Downtown Lions Club and provided a breakdown of the amounts designated for Crossroads, Sound Prints, and an assistive Listening Device System.

Rick Boggess made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report. The motion was seconded by Frank Campbell and approved.

Old Business

Amanda Selm provided an update on the upcoming Crossroads conference at United Crescent Hill Ministries in Louisville on April 6-7. KCB members living outside the Louisville metro area are eligible for a $75 stipend. Topics include fundraising, team work, social media and more. ACB Vice President Dan Spoone will speak at Saturday night’s banquet and Rick Ricks, retired KSB Charitable Foundation Executive Director, will speak on Friday night.

President Deatherage asked for an update on Zoom. Rick Boggess reported Brian Charlson will present at Crossroads. Additional practice meetings will be scheduled before Crossroads. A list of keystrokes has been compiled. Carla suggested activating the Zoom account so it is available.

In response to a question from President Deatherage, Jonathon McCarty indicated he plans to meet with Carla to discuss the Twitter page later this week. Carla cannot get into the Twitter account since the email used when it was established is no longer being used. Possible page name options are quite limited. A new page, KentuckyBlind, has been created but better options should be considered.

New Business

Carla Ruschival reported that the Louisville Downtown Lions Club has donated $1500 to help purchase Assistive Listening devices (ALD’s.) This was based on her request after Patti, Shirley and Carla heard a very convincing presentation from an assistive device user at the ACB Leadership Conference. The cost for one transmitter, four receivers and two loops ranges from $1910 at Listen Technologies to $1294 at Williams Sound. Carla made a motion to purchase two transmitters, four receivers and two loops from Williams Sound for $1891. In response to a concern about possible interference issues when using two transmitters , Carla indicated this is usually not a problem in areas with solid walls. After considerable discussion, Rick Boggess offered a friendly amendment to increase the number of receivers from four to six which increases the cost by $296. The amended motion was unanimously approved.

Carla Ruschival reported the Louisville Downtown Lions Club voted to approve $500 to support the KCB eRacers in the ACB Brenda Dillon Memorial Walk. Carla Ruschival made a motion that KCB sign up the KY eRacers with KCB returning 25% of the money raised by any participating chapter to that chapter. The motion was seconded by Joey Couch and approved.

Chapter and Committee Reports

Eastern Kentucky Christian Council: Frank Campbell reported there will be a meeting at 1 PM on March 24 at the Brethitt County Library in Jackson.

Northern Kentucky Council: Gerry Slusher reported they referred a stroke victim’s family to the Cincinnati Association for the Blind.

Greater Louisville Council: David Smith reported that Roundabouts continue to include technology training. A recent speaker talked about nutrition and physical fitness and a group attended the Braille Reader’s Theater performance at APH. There will be no April 6 meeting due to Crossroads.

Tri-State Library Users Group: Adam Ruschival reported Page Turner sessions continue at GLCB Roundabout. There will be a brief business meeting at the March 23 Roundabout. The board has approved spending up to $100 for flash drives for the upcoming Crossroads conference. Those who join or rejoin Library Users of America will receive an edited version of recorded conference calls on downloadable books from Kindle and other sources.

Guide Dog Users of Kentuckiana: Joey Couch and Debbie Deatherage reported they will have a new local vet on their March 26 conference call. Bill Deatherage will talk about his recent experience at Leader Dogs on March 20 at the North Hardin Lions Club. Sheryl Lott announced she will be going to Southeastern Guide Dogs on April 1.

Support Alliance of the Visually Impaired: Bill Roberts reported 16 members and four guests attended the March 13 meeting. Participants completed their ceramics projects, picked up and paid for SAVI shirts and paid dues. Some members also attended a gardening workshop on March 15. SAVI registered 27 KCB members—14 life and 13 annual.

KCB Next Generation: Matt Selm reported the visit to the Frazier Museum has been postponed. They will eat at Cracker Barrel at 2701 Crittenden Drive from 11:30 to 1:30 on March 24. Those planning to attend should contact Amanda.

KCCLV: David Smith reported they had a short conference call where people shared how they became involved in KCB. Carla also reported the in-person group meetings continue to go well with 8-10 people attending. The chapter now has about 22 members.

PR/Membership: Rick Boggess reported the committee met on March 14. Carla reported the February newsletter recently went out and that Crossroads materials have been emailed and are being mailed and will be posted to the webpage. Carla has talked with Spectrum regarding issues with emails sent to Time Warner accounts. There does not seem to be a problem on their end, so the issue may be with Host Gator. She has not had time to investigate. Webpage and calendar updates continue. Rick has compiled a list of Zoom keystrokes. Carla made a motion to create a circular logo (similar to the old ACB logo which was never copyrighted) that says Kentucky Council of the Blind around the edge and has a print KCB in the middle with a braille KCB under it. The motion was seconded by Natalie Couch and approved. The next meeting will be on April 11.

Rick Boggess made a motion that KCB adopt a circular logo with Kentucky Council of the Blind around the edge with KCB in print and braille in the middle. Adam Ruschival seconded the motion which was unanimously approved.

OFB Steering Committee: Carla reported the committee will have a phone conference call at 2 PM on March 21.

Rick Boggess made a motion to accept chapter and committee reports. The motion was seconded by Gerry Slusher and approved.

Announcements and Adjournment

Gerry Slusher made a motion to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Rick Boggess and unanimously approved. The meeting adjourned at 8:52 PM (Eastern Time).

Submitted by Rick Boggess, KCB Secretary

Download Summary: KCBBoardMeetingMarch2018

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