KCB Board Meeting – August, 2018

President Debbie Deatherage called the monthly meeting of the KCB Board of Directors to order via conference call at 7:40 PM (Eastern) on Monday, August 20, 2018. Answering the roll call were Debbie Deatherage, Joey Couch, Gerry Slusher, Rick Boggess, Carla Ruschival, Amanda Selm, Bill Wright, Sheryl Lott, Jonathon McCarty, Deb Lewis, Matt Selm, Bill Roberts, David Smith, Winter Renfrow and Adam Ruschival. Josh Gentry and Frank Campbell were absent. Guest Elaine Weisbard was also present.

President Debbie Deatherage called for reading the July 16 board meeting minutes and summary which were distributed in advance. Gerry Slusher made a motion, seconded by Winter Renfrow, to dispense with their reading and for their approval with corrections (changing Dennis Runyan to Josh Gentry and reflecting that the $6 Roundabout charge is for the meal rather than the meeting. The motion was approved.

Treasurer’s Report

Carla Ruschival reported July 31 balances (excluding stocks) which were later submitted for inclusion. KCB has received the monthly dividend check and has received a bill (approximately $10,000 after corrections) for convention hotel rooms. Adam Ruschival made a motion to accept the report with the expectation of receiving a full report by the next meeting. The motion was seconded by Winter Renfrow and approved.

Old Business

Amanda Selm provided an update on planning for the November 16-17 KCB State Convention at United Crescent Hill Ministries in Louisville. The committee proposed offering flat fee one-or-two-day registration, having exhibits one day for a longer period and having the banquet and speaker on Friday with a Saturday night dinner performance by Imagine Blind Players. Several people expressed concerns about a Friday banquet, so the idea will be reexamined. Matt Selm made a motion to offer flat fee one-or-two day registration and to have one day exhibits for a longer period. The motion was seconded by Carla Ruschival and approved.

New Business

Carla Ruschival discussed the possibility of offering ACVREP continuing education credits for events and online offerings which is already being done by ACB. The three-year application fee and annual fees vary depending on whether credits offered are for one event or online course or unlimited offerings. KCB could receive approval to offer credit at the KCB convention provided we submit the application immediately. In response to Matt Selm’s question regarding the demand for such offerings, Carla indicated more programs from KCB and its chapters could be made available for credit. Carla Ruschival made a motion that KCB pursue category I acvrep provider status. Winter Renfrow seconded the motion which was unanimously approved.

Carla Ruschival indicated she has talked to Robert Spangler, who has had experience working on several other websites, about making the KCB website more visually appealing and adding additional features. Matt Selm requested that discussions include training for people to manage the website. The board requested that Rick Boggess convene a special PR committee meeting to further explore this issue.

Given the positive response to the St. Louis convention stipend, President Debbie Deatherage encouraged the board to begin thinking about the 2019 ACB Convention and be prepared to discuss options in coming months.

Chapter and Committee Reports

Eastern Kentucky Christian Council: No report was available.

Northern Kentucky Council: Gerry Slusher indicated health issues forced cancellation of the August meeting. The next meeting will be in September.

Greater Louisville Council: David Smith reported several new people have attended recent meetings. There is ongoing technology training, especially on the Orbit Reader. Members learned about the Instant Pot at the August 17 meeting. There are plans for cooking related sessions on the third Friday of the month.

Tri-State Library Users Group: Adam Ruschival reported the next in person business meeting and Page Turners discussion will occur during the August 24 Roundabout. The September Library Without Walls conference call meeting will afford an opportunity to share favorite history books.

Guide Dog Users of Kentuckiana: Deb Lewis reported six people participated in the dog massage workshop on July 20. The chapter will sell candy bars in September and October. The next phone conference meeting will be on August 27.

Support Alliance of the Visually Impaired: Bill Roberts reported the chapter met on August 14 at the Wendell Foster Center. Jana Billingsley talked about services offered by the KATS Network and the Wendell Foster Assistive Technology and Resource Center and demonstrated the O6 and Sunu Band. Members checked out products and listened to members share their experiences at the ACB National Convention. Members continue planning for a cookbook and a September picnic.

KCB Next Generation: Matt Selm indicated chapter members will attend Roundabout on August 24 and dine out at Cheddars at 10403 Westport Road from 4:30 to 7 on August 25. They also hosted a nationwide conference call where about 30 people discussed formation of a national level affiliate of Next Generation. The next chapter conference call meeting will be on September 9 at 8 PM and the next national conference call will be at 8:30 on September 10.

KCCLV: David Smith indicated that an 85-year-old lady joined the August call to learn more about low vision. Carla also reported that attendance at the in-person meetings is good with new people attending recent meetings. The next conference call meeting will be on September 4.

PR/Membership: Rick Boggess reported the committee met on August 8. He reported he has shared a newsletter draft with Carla. It was suggested we try to get an article about Next Generation’s efforts to form a national affiliate. Webpage and calendar updates continue. There has been no progress with the Twitter page or AudioNow. Efforts to update college contact information will begin in September. Carla has been unable to contact anyone to discuss examining the webpage for low vision accessibility. The next meeting will be on September 12.

OFB Steering Committee: Carla Ruschival reported that few people attended the final SRC meeting. Todd Stevens, Shirley Stivers and Carla Ruschival will join a three-member committee from VR to work on new bylaws and representation on the new SRC committee. Carla will share information about committee makeup once details are ironed out. The governor’s office would like to have three applicants for each seat.

Rick Boggess made a motion to approve chapter and committee reports. The motion was seconded by Jonathon McCarty and unanimously approved.

Announcements and Adjournment

Jonathon McCarty reported he has set up a new Twitter page which can be reached at @kycouncilblind. The page already has followers but still needs a photo and bio.

Rick Boggess made a motion to adjourn. The motion was seconded and approved. The meeting adjourned at 9:15 PM.

Submitted by Rick Boggess, KCB Secretary

Download Summary: KCBBoardMeetingAugust2018

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