KCB Board Meeting – April, 2018

President Debbie Deatherage called the monthly meeting of the KCB Board of Directors to order via conference call at 7:37 PM (Eastern) on Monday, April 16, 2018. Answering the roll call were Debbie Deatherage, Joey Couch, Gerry Slusher, Rick Boggess, Carla Ruschival, Amanda Selm, Josh Gentry, Deb Lewis, Frank Campbell, Matt Selm, Bill Roberts, David Smith and Adam Ruschival. Bill wright checked in late. Sheryl Lott, Dennis Runyan, Jonathon McCarty and Winter Renfrow were absent. Guest Elaine Weisbard was present.

President Debbie Deatherage called for reading the March 19 board meeting minutes and summary which were distributed in advance. Deb Lewis made a motion, seconded by Gerry Slusher, to dispense with their reading and for approval with suggested minor corrections. The motion was approved. Rick Boggess reported he discovered and corrected some minor name misspellings going back to last March.

Treasurer’s Report

Carla Ruschival reported March 31 balances. Rick Boggess made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report. The motion was seconded by Frank Campbell and approved.

Old Business

President Deb Deatherage requested feedback on the recent Crossroads conference which was attended by 43 people. There were positive comments about All the speakers, the facility, food and assistive listening devices. Suggested changes include shortening the Friday night session, having a session on workplace conflict, setting up an email address for conference follow-up input and encouraging more board participation in future events.

President Deatherage requested a Zoom update. Carla reported the Pro version, which normally cost $14.99 a month, was purchased today. Purchasing for a year allowed us to get two months free. It will be possible to purchase additional features a month at a time. President Deatherage has asked Rick Boggess to moderate. Rick will set up practice sessions with a goal of having our next board meeting using Zoom. It is possible to schedule recurring sessions so that there will be no need to change codes for recurring meetings.

President Deatherage asked Rick about AudioNow. Rick reported this free service provides opportunities to allow people to access Sound Prints, the newsletter, etc. from their phones. Carla suggested using the email provided by Larry Turnbull to contact the company.

New Business

Amanda Selm asked for clarification on signing up to support the e-Racers. Carla reported individuals or chapters can sign up to support the team. She will provide the direct link. After considerable discussion, the board decided to set a $3000 goal for the e-Racers. It was suggested we might pass out erasers with our contact information or flyers with information about the walk to promote the event. Carla will investigate options.

Carla reported she spoke to a group at the McDowell Center in March. There will probably be an opportunity to talk with high school students over the summer.

President Deb Deatherage suggested we begin thinking about state convention dates. Carla pointed out the hotel is planning some extensive renovations this fall which may dictate available dates. Carla will check dates with the hotel and President Deatherage will begin forming a committee.

Carla reported the SRC will have its quarterly meeting on April 20 at the McDowell Center beginning at 10:30. Although they will not have a quorum, there will be an update on the status of the merger. There are some concerns since there are at least two high level administrative changes occurring in state government. People are encouraged to attend Friday’s meeting.

Chapter and Committee Reports

Eastern Kentucky Christian Council: Frank Campbell reported they had a meeting on March 31 which was changed from March 24 due to weather. The eight people who attended shared ideas and went to lunch. They hope to meet in May to begin planning for their August picnic.

Northern Kentucky Council: Gerry Slusher reported there have been some changes. Dennis Runyan has resigned as chapter representative and she will take his place. Cisco Slusher should notify the KCB president. Beginning in May, monthly chapter conference calls will occur on the second Wednesday at the same time. Gerry announced she and Cisco will attend the CAB luncheon on Friday to hear Eric Bridges speak.

Greater Louisville Council: David Smith reported there is still lots of interest in Orbit Reader training. Upcoming events include the quarterly meeting and elections on April 27 and the annual Derby party from 10-8 on May 5 at United Crescent Hill Ministries.

Tri-State Library Users Group: Adam Ruschival thanked those who joined or renewed memberships. The affiliate will have six votes at the convention. Those who joined or renewed will receive a CD of last year’s conference calls on Bookshare and the Amazon Kindle. Although there have been no recent conference calls, Page Turners continues to meet at Roundabout. The chapter donated the thumb drives for the recent Crossroads conference.

Guide Dog Users of Kentuckiana: Deb Lewis reported the chapter sponsored breakfast at Crossroads. Bill Deatherage did a presentation about his experience at Leader Dogs at the recent Lions District convention. Deb Lewis reported she attended the KY State Deaf-blind convention this past weekend where Rick Roderick discussed his positive experiences traveling as a deaf-blind person using a guide dog while using Nearby Explorer. Deb Lewis reminded the board that registration for national service dog eye exams will be open through April 30. Register dogs by visiting acvo.org or call 208-466-7624 between 10 Am and 6 PM Eastern. Eye exams will take place from 2:30-5:30 PM on May 18 in the community room at Village Manor Apartments, 107 Fenley Avenue in Louisville. Questions call Deb Lewis at 502-721-9129 or email deblewis121954@gmail.com.

Support Alliance of the Visually Impaired: Bill Roberts reported 15 members and 2 guests attended the April 13 meeting. Gay Pannell from the OFB office in Bowling Green shared lots of tips and tricks. Rick also shared information about the Crossroads conference. There have been recent workshops on gardening, kitchen safety and iPhones. On April 29 there will be a workshop on nutrition and exercise. June activities include a garage sale and fishing outing. Members are exploring putting together a cookbook.

KCB Next Generation: Matt Selm reported the chapter will raffle off greenery at the GLCB quarterly meeting. Members plan to attend Roundabout on the fourth Friday of the month. They have donated lightning cables which can be used to connect newer iPhones to the sound system. They also hope to unveil plans for a May 26 outing soon. Meetings are held on the second Sunday at 8 PM on the conference line.

KCCLV: Carla Ruschival reported they had a conference call on April 3. There was also a support group meeting on April 12 with another scheduled on April 26.

PR/Membership: Rick Boggess reported the committee met on April 11. Crossroads was well received and there appear to be lots of potential uses for Zoom and AudioNow. Those with information for the upcoming newsletter should contact Carla or Rick. Webpage and calendar updates continue. The next meeting will be on May 9.

OFB Steering Committee: The committee is supposed to meet on April 18, but the status is up in the air with the Hal Heiner resignation.

Rick Boggess made a motion to accept chapter and committee reports. The motion was seconded by Frank Campbell and approved.

Announcements and Adjournment

Carla Ruschival reported ACB membership of 315 up from last year which means we will have 13 votes at convention. Dues have been paid to ACB.

Rick Boggess made a motion to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Deb Lewis, and unanimously approved. The meeting adjourned at 9 PM (Eastern.) The next meeting will be on May 21.

Submitted by Rick Boggess, KCB Secretary

Download Summary: KCBBoardMeetingApril2018

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